5 Reasons To Embrace The Organic Composting Cycle
By Daniela Dina
Did you know 50% of Australia’s organic waste goes to landfill? Composting is an art and a science, and an effort to convince you to save the world one banana peel at a time — we’ve put together 5 reasons why you should embrace composting and all its quirks. Oh, and in case you missed it….. The Brisbane City Council Compost Rebate Program can save you up to $70 off on your composting equipment. You’re welcome.
Reduce your impact
With just a tonne of organic waste generating over a tonne of CO2-e equivalent, it’s no shock that everyone should make composting a climate change strategy. Especially as Australians alone generate around 8 million tonnes of it. In a nutshell, recycling your organic waste reduces the number of greenhouse gases generated from landfill. Keeping organics out of landfill not only makes them more sustainable but results in fewer odours and costs. So yes, it’s a win-win situation.
Benefit your garden
This is where food craps meet gardening! Have you abandoned your veggie patch and have convinced yourself there’s no saving it? We’ve got a solution, once your compost breaks down and matures you can add it to your garden to improve moisture retention and soil structure. Composting adds nutrients to the earth creating healthier soil while fighting soil erosion… so say goodbye to dying plants and brown veggies. But it gets better, compost holds water for longer durations, so basically, if you want to save time and money (and who doesn’t?) get composting.
Claim a Brisbane City Council Compost Rebate
Whoever said composting was expensive was LYING. It’s extremely low cost and the best part is it all starts in your kitchen. If you're a Brisbane resident and wish to receive $70 off your composting equipment follow this link. No, there's no catch, and it’s only a short three-step process to reap the benefits.
Bring your community together
But if you still aren’t convinced, composting brings like-minded greenies together…so yes, it's social! Invite your neighbours, family and friends to help spread the practice of a healthier environment. Of course, given the current climate, we’ve got an online alternative too. Join Compost Community Australia to share ideas and learn all the tips & tricks of the trade.
Get outside and start a new hobby
If 2020 hasn’t pushed you to take up gardening just yet, then this just might. Composting = great soil = great gardening, what an equation! Gardening can be an individual hobby or just a PERFECT way to mellow out. Soak up some Vitamin D while feeling a little greener from your sustainable garden and compost regime. I understand trying something new can be daunting that’s why I’m committed to supplying you with as many resources as possible to aid this process.
For some ideas on how to best get started/master the world of composting, check out eartheasy, Planet Ark, Compost Revolution, Tumble Weed, and Sustainable Table.
Image Credit: UnSplash